The question I'm asked most is, "What is a bath tea?!" Naturally, I welcome the question with enthusiasm because I'm really excited about our products and I think everyone should be able to enjoy what we have to offer. In creating each of our offerings, I wanted to create a space on our website that would allow anyone interested in our company, the opportunity to learn about who we are and how essential oils are vital to our care.
What better way to do this than through a blog?
In our initial post, I just want to share how bath teas are one of the most effective ways to relieve stress and usher in instant relaxation. Do you ever notice how the teas we drink seem to just instantly soothe your body? Bath teas can have similar effects! When using our bath teas, the nutrients from the herbs and salts are able to fully soak into
your pores and into your blood stream. This gives your body a natural recovery from the everyday stress we tend to experience.
A good bath gives you a moment to isolate, reflect, and truly take a break from the world. We love our teas because not only are they effective, they are customizable to meet your needs. Combining dried herbs and a few drops of essential oils to your bath time can be beneficial to your mood, muscle aches, and even common cold symptoms.
Be sure to check this page for posts on everything from the benefits of essential oil to exclusive Tiny Tub product reviews.
I extend a heartfelt welcome to our Tiny Tiny community and invite you to feel the magic!